Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcSafety Equipment\ExplosivesTender ValueINR 99.51 Crore
LocationHimachal Pradesh - India Ref.No79017281
Closing Date20 - Dec - 2024
Providing of 2.0 Brief Scope of Work The Brief Scope of work for subject Package shall compris of Design, engineering, manufacture, shop fabrication, preassembly, shop testing/ type testing at manufacturer's works, packing, transportation, unloading, handling and conservationof equipment atsite, complete services of construction including erection, supervision, pre- commissioning, commissioning and FMS for 5 years. The SIA in coordination with utility (as per the requirement to be given in the detailed RFP) shall carry out field survey, design , engineering, supply, integration, installation, testing & commissioning of SCADA/DMS/OMS software applications, Dispatcher Training Simulator .(DTS) , hardware (including PCs, Servers, Routers, Switches, VPS, RTU, FRTUs, Multi function Transducers (MFTs), Communication equipment , Auxiliary power supply etc), software (including operatin
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