Ref. No. : 69826514   
Tender Corrigendum :
Tender CorrigendumDeadline has been changes from Mar 30 2024 12:00AM to Jun 7 2024 12:00AM
due to administrative reason
Tender Corrigendum PublicationCompany Web Site - Internet
Tender Corrigendum Document Can be download by Subscribers
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Supply of Printing Materials Used for the Municipality Office Daily Storage Register of Tax Es and Rates (8"x13")(100), Register of Demand and Collection of Property (8"x13")(100), Register of Demand and Collection of Property (10"x15")(200), Register of Demand and Collection of Tex (8"x13")(100), Register of Rent Vechicle License (8"x13")(100), License Register of Rent Drivers (8"×13")(100), Tax Register on Used Vehicles (8"×13")(100), Daily Market Fee Register (8"×13")(100), Register of Fixed Demands (shop Rent) (16"x26")(100), Register of Animals Brought to Kanji House (8"x13")(100), Kanji House Invoice Form (8"×13")(100), Grass Feed Register (8"×13") (100), Treasury Invoice Form (8"×13") (100), Cash Book of Rokpal (laser Paper) (10"×15") (200), Cash Book of Rokpal (laser Paper) (10"×15") (300), Cash Book of Rokpal (laser Paper) (10"×15") (400), Current Account Register with the Treasury (8"×13") (100), Voucher From (8"×13")(100), Account of the Amount Drawn in Favor of Cpi (8"×13")(100), Advance Account Register (8"×13")(100), Permanent Advance Account (8"×13")(100), Recovery Voucher of Standing Advance Account (8"×13")(100), Deposit Register (8"×13")(100), Receipt of Cash Receipt Register for 13 Month (13"×16")(100), Cash Balance of 13 Month (13"×16")(100), Adjusment Register (8"×13") (100), Register of Appropriation (8"×13") (100), Register of Lending (8"×13") (100), Register of Credit Expenditure (8"×13") (100), Specific Grant Register 8"×13") (100), Accession Form 8"×13") (100), Small Contractors (8"×13") (100), Reports of Work Place (8"×13") (100), Certificates of Expiration Certificate of Basic Work (8"×13")(100), Work Register (8"×13")(100), Store and Material Register (8"×13")(300), Store and Material Register (8"×13")(100), Issue Register (8"×13")(100), Postal Register (8"×13")(100), Register of Water Supply and Storage (13"×16")(100), Register of Water Supply and Storage (13"×16")(200), Register of Water Supply and Storage (13"×16")(300), License Book Format B (10"×15")(100), Scope Register (laser) (8"×13")(100), Format (b) Application Presentation Register (8"×13")(100), Telephone Register (8"×13")(100), Building Application Form (8"×13")(100), Building Permission Form (8"×13")(100), Tax Determination Objection Form (8"×13")(100), Indictment Section 187 (2) (8"×13")(100), Pension Form (8"×13")(100), Nomination Form (8"×13")(100), Ration Card Register(8"×13")(100), Application Form for a Pensionless Pension(8"×13")-, Destitute Register (8"×13")(100), Application for Growth Pension(8"×13")(100), Old Age Pension Register (8"×13")(100), Animal Auction Advertisement Form (8"×13")(100), Road Register (8"×13")(100), House Certificate (8"×13")(100), Pump Book (8"×13")(100), Driver License (8"×13")(100), Family Welfare Fund Register / Defined (8"×13")(100), Miscellaneous Collection Register (8"×13")(100), Tender Register (8"×13")(100), Works Book (8"×13")(100), Cash Book of the Accountant (laser Paper) (10"×15")(100), Cash Book of the Accountant (laser Paper) (10"×15") , Cash Book of the Accountant (laser Paper)(10"×15")(300), Cash Book of the Accountant (laser Paper)(10"×15")(400), Sticker Multiclour Size (4"x4"), President Register (standing Committee) Standing Committee Public Works, Education, Health Committee Etc. (8"×13")(100), Application Fee Daily Sign-up Register (8"×13")(100), Animal Auction Book (4"×6")(100), Poster (multicolor)(18"×22")-, Tender Form Envelope(10"x23")-, Tender Form Envelope(20"x25")-, Sticker Multiclour Size (8"x11"), Sicker Multicolour Sise (4"x6"), Miscellaneous Receipt Book 100 Duplicate (4"×6")(100), Tax Receipt Book (4"×7")(100), Cash Book of Rokpal (laser Paper)(10"×15")(100), Voucher Farm (8"×13"), Certificate of Contraact (8"×13") (100), Measurement Book (mb) (8"×13") (100), Register of Movabie Property (8"×13") (100), Register of Immovabie Property (8"×13") (100), Inward Register / Outgoing Register (8"×13")(125), Inward Register / Outgoing Register (8"×13")(200), Tender Form Set(8"×13")(12), Action Sheet (note Sheet / Laser Paper) (8"×13")-, Provident Fund Account (9"×14")(100), Panchanama Farm (8"×13")-, Application Form for Tap Connection (8"×13")-, Contract Form for Tap Connection (8"×13")-, Nomination Releases (advertisement Form) (8"×13")(100), Pion Book (post Book) (6"×8")(200), Log Book (6"×8")(200), Ration Card (family - Letter) in Government Format (6"×8")(100), Application for Ration Card (8"×13")(100), Bill Check Register (8"×13")(200), Jalarkar Receipt Book (duplicate) (4"×6")(100), Indent Book (duplicate) (6"×8")(100), All Other Types of Registers (8"×13")(100), All Other Types of Forms (8"×13")-, All Other Types of Forms(6"×8")-, Pamphlet(9"×11")-, Invitation Card Envelope(5"x8")-, Invitation Card with Envelope (multicolor) (5"x8")-, Envelope(3"x6")-, Envelope(4"x9")-, Masuerment Book Mb ( 40 Page), Budget Set (laser Paper) (8"×13")(100), Tender Form Set C (laser Paper) (8"×13")(4), Present Register (hajari Register)(laser Paper)(10"×15")(100), All
Tender Detail : Inviting Rates of printing materials used for the municipality office. #*. Inviting Rates of printing materials used for the municipality office.
Tender Location : Madhya Pradesh - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Value : 1500000
Tender Closing Date : 7/06/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 10/06/2024 at 11:30 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Municipal Corporations - Non-financial Services   
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